
Guide for foreign talents applying for work permit for foreigners in China with R visa


持 R 签证(已入境)外国人才 申办 《外国人来华工作许可》办事指南

Item name事项名称

Foreign talents with R visa apply for work permit for foreigners in China

持 R 签证外国人才 申办 《外国人来华工作许可》

Applicable personnel适用人员

Foreign talents who have entered the country with a valid r visa and have certain employment units in China and sign employment contracts.

持有效 R 签证已入境的外国人才,境内有确定的聘用单位,签订聘用合同的。

Hereby SFBC would like to tell you what do foreigner talents need to attention about applying for work permit for foreigners in China with R visa!


Required materials


1. Application form for confirmation letter of foreign high-end talents: fill in and print online, and after the applicant signs (can copy or fax),

Affix the official seal or authorized seal of the employer, and then upload it to the system. Original (1 electronic).

1. 外国高端人才确认函申请表:在线填写打印,申请人签字(可复印或传真)后,加盖用人单位公章或授权章,再上传至系统。原件(电子 1 份)。

2. Employment contract or employment certificate (including letter of assignment from multinational company). The Chinese Contract shall be provided by the applicant

The signature and official seal of the company shall not be altered. Original (1 electronic).

2. 聘用合同或任职证明(包括跨国公司派遣函)。应提供中文合同,应由申请人

签名并加盖单位公章,不得涂改。原件(电子 1 份)。

Note: the employment contract or employment certificate (including the letter of assignment from the multinational company) shall include the work place, work content, salary, working time in China, position, necessary contents of the seal page (signature). The employment certificate is applicable to the personnel implementing the agreement or agreement between the governments and international organizations, the chief representative and representative of all kinds of representative offices in China and overseas contract service provider (the representative office shall provide the original of the representative certificate). The application of the letter of assignment is that the headquarters or regional headquarters of multinational companies send senior managers and professional technicians from overseas to work in domestic subsidiaries or branches, and the letter is issued by the headquarters or regional headquarters of multinational companies. If the employment certificate (including the letter of assignment) lacks the necessary contents, it is necessary to issue additional certificate and explanation. If a multinational company dispatches its senior managers and professional technicians to its subsidiaries or branches in China, it shall submit the letter of assignment and the employment contract signed with the multinational company’s headquarters in China.

备注:聘用合同或任职证明(包括跨国公司派遣函)应当包括工作地点、工作内容、 薪酬、来华工作时间、职位、盖章页(签字)必要内容。任职证明适用执行政府间、国 际组织间协议或协定人员、各类驻华代表处首席代表及代表及境外合同服务提供者(代 表处需提供代表证原件)。派遣函适用情形为跨国公司总部或地区总部从境外派遣经理 等高级管理人员和专业 技术人员至境内子公司或分公司任职,由跨国公司总部或地区 总部出具。任职证明(包括派遣函)如缺少必要内容,需另行出具证明补充说明。跨国公司在华地区总部派遣经理等高级管理人员和专业技术人员至境内子公司或分公司任 职的,提交派遣函以及与跨国公司在华地区总部签订的聘用合同。

3. The physical examination certificate shall be issued within 6 months by the verification certificate of physical examination records or physical examination certificate of overseas personnel issued by the China Inspection and quarantine institution or by the overseas health care institution recognized by the China Inspection and quarantine institution. Original (1 electronic).

3.体检证明由中国检验检疫机构出具的境外人员体格检查记录验证证明或健康检 查证明书,或经中国检验检疫机构认可的境外卫生医疗机构出具的体检证明,签发时间 均在 6 个月内。原件(电子 1 份)。

4. Applicant’s passport or international travel document (valid for more than 6 months). Passport or international travel document letter

Interest pages. Original (1 electronic).

4. 申请人护照或国际旅行证件(有效期为 6 个月以上)。护照或国际旅行证件信

息页。原件(电子 1 份)。

5. Applicant’s front bareheaded photos within 6 months: recent bareheaded electronic photos, white background, no frame, complete facial features, clear images, no spots, flaws, ink defects. Jpg format, size between 40k-120k bytes, no less than 354 (W) × 472 (H) pixels, no more than 420 (W) × 560 (H) pixels, 24 true colors. Note: it is not recommended to wear hats, headscarves and other accessories. If you have to wear them for religious reasons, you should ensure that they do not cover the whole face of the applicant Original (1 electronic).

5.申请人 6 个月内正面免冠照片:近期免冠电子照片,白色背景,无边框,面部特 征完整,图像清晰,无斑点、瑕疵、印墨缺陷。JPG 格式,大小 40K-120k 字节之间,不 低于 354(宽)*472(高)像素,不大于 420(宽)*560(高)像素、24 真色彩。备注: 不建议戴帽子或头巾等饰物,如因宗教原因不得不戴,应确保其不遮挡申请人整个面部。 原件(电子 1 份)。

6. Visa (r word) held by the applicant Passport (or international travel document) visa and endorsement information page. Original (electricity1 piece of fruit).

6.申请人所持签证(R 字)。 护照(或国际旅行证件)签证及签注信息页。原件(电子 1 份)。

Material standard


1. All original paper materials and Chinese translations shall be uploaded to the processing system in color electronic form.


2. All non Chinese supporting materials shall be provided with Chinese translation and stamped with the official seal of the employer (except passport or international travel document).

2.非中文证明材料均需提供中文翻译件,并加盖用人单位公章(护照或国际旅行证 件除外)。

Matters needing attention


1. This application does not need to submit paper materials to the acceptance window for verification, and is processed online in the whole process.


2. If the application meets the conditions and standards, the foreigner’s work permit to come to China shall be obtained on site with the acceptance form after the application is approved.


Time limit for examination and approval


Audit period: 5 working days

审核期限:5 个工作日(预审受理一并处理)

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