
Visitorsmust hold and present an original and physical version of passport totravel internationally. If you lost passport in your home country(not traveling abroad yet), you shall immediately make an appointmentto apply at passport acceptance facility to replace your missingpassport, avoid someone use your identity to do terrible things. Whatshould you do if you already travel in China with a China Visa on thelost passport? Below we provide the most useful solution to suchaccident.



5Steps to Do When Passport & China Visa Are Lost!


Duringyour trip to China, your passport should be taken with you all thetimes. We highly suggest you make both electronic and paper copies(e.g. printed paper copy, extra photocopy on phone or by email), andfill in the emergency contact information on the last page of yourpassport in case of any unexpectedevents.在你的中国之行中,你的护照应该一直随身携带。我们强烈建议您同时制作电子副本和纸质副本(如打印纸质副本、电话或电子邮件额外复印件),并在护照最后一页填写紧急联系信息,以防发生任何意外事件。Ifunfortunately, your passport with a China Visa is lost or stolenwhile staying in China, whether continue to travel or leave soon, theentire itinerary will be utterly disrupted. How to book tickets? CanI board flight as scheduled? What if I will leave China soon? Don’tworry, follow the detailed procedures for a“Passport is Lost”situation.如果不幸的是,您持有中国签证的护照在中国期间丢失或被盗,无论是继续旅行还是很快离开,整个行程都将完全中断。如何订票?我能如期登机吗?如果我很快就要离开中国怎么办?别担心,请遵循“护照丢失”情况下的详细程序。Step1 – Try Your Best to Find It步骤1-尽最大努力找到它Returnto places, attractions, restaurants, shops, bars, markets you’vebeen visited recently to see if you can find out your passport. Askhelp from the Lost and Found. There is a chance your may retrieve thelost passport back, if not, continue to the nextmove.回到你最近去过的地方、景点、餐馆、商店、酒吧、市场,看看是否能找到你的护照。向失物招领处寻求帮助。您有机会取回丢失的护照,如果没有,请继续下一步行动。Step2 – Report the Lost Passport to Local PoliceStation步骤2-向当地警察局报告丢失的护照Oncerealizing passport was lost indeed, don’t get panic, just takea deep breath and calm down. There are people caught in same kind ofsituation before, there is always a way out. First, locate thenearest local police station (where the loss happened) and go make aofficial report for the lost passport ASAP. You may let the hotelreceptionist or other staff to help you. Once report accepted, youwill obtain a “Receipt of Report” issued by the policestation (报警回执,in Chinese only).


Note:Once you report a passport lost or stolen, it becomes invalid andcould NOT used for international travel any more if get a newone.注意:一旦你报告护照丢失或被盗,它将失效,如果换了新护照,就不能再用于国际旅行。Step3 – Apply Confirmation of Reporting the Loss ofPassport第3步-申请护照挂失确认Applyfor a “Confirmation of Reporting theLoss of Passport” ( in both Chineseand English) in the Exit & Entry Administration of local PublicSecurity Bureau (where your passport is lost). Below are materialsyou shall provide:申请“护照报失证明”(中英文对照)(护照遗失地)。以下是您应提供的材料:1) Originaland copy of the police “Receipt of Report”.1) 警方“报告收据”的原件和复印件。

2) Copyof the lost passport or other identity proofs, such as ID Card,Social Security Card, Driving License, and soon.2) 遗失的护照复印件或其他身份证明,如身份证、社会保障卡、驾驶证等。

3) 2recent front bareheaded full-faced photos with2-inches.3) 2张2英寸的正面免冠全脸照片。

4) Completedreport from (you can get from the bureau) with clear and accuratepersonal information, including contact number,etc.4) 来自(你可以从该局获得)的完整报告,包含清晰准确的个人信息,包括联系电话等。Aftersubmission, you will wait. And it normally takes about 2 working daysfor processing and issuance.提交后,您将等待。处理和发布通常需要大约2个工作日。Step4 – Apply for A Replacement Passport or TemporaryPassport第4步-申请替代护照或临时护照Theissued confirmation is only valid for 30 days, which requires you toget a replacement passport and a new China Visa within 30 daystogether, otherwise, you will face fine or possibledetention.签发的确认书的有效期仅为30天,这要求您在30天内同时获得替换护照和新的中国签证,否则,您将面临罚款或可能的拘留。Therefore,as a crucial step, please promptly visit your Embassy/Consulate inChina to replace a new regular passport or temporary passport. Youshall apply in person for a new passport, and bring all neededdocuments. The consular staff will offer assistance to his/herbest.因此,作为关键的一步,请立即前往您的驻华使领馆更换新的普通护照或临时护照。您应亲自申请新护照,并携带所需的所有文件。领事馆工作人员将尽力提供协助。Ifyou are a US citizen, bring the following items:如果您是美国公民,请携带以下物品:●Original “Confirmation of Reportingthe Loss of Passport”;●“护照报失证明”原件;

●1 recent color passport photo (2 ”X2”)●1张彩色护照近照(2“X2”)Step5 – Apply for New Visa第5步-申请新签证Afteryou get a passport or a temporary travel document, quickly apply fora new China Visa from the Exit & Entry Administration Departmentof local Public Security Bureau. You can’t just exit Chinawithout obtaining a valid visa, the visa is needed even forSingaporeans, Japaneses and Bruneians who enjoy visa-free entry toChina (because there is no entry stamp on new passport).


Hereis the required materials to apply for China Visa:以下是申请中国签证所需的材料:◆Original “Confirmation of Reportingthe Loss of Passport”;◆“护照报失证明”原件;

◆A photocopy of the lost passport or copy of other identification withpersonal photo (such as ID Card, Driver’sLicense, Work Permit, Seaman’s ID,insurance card,etc.).◆遗失护照复印件或其他带个人照片的身份证明复印件(如身份证、驾驶证、工作许可证、海员证、保险卡等)。

◆A identity confirmation letter from your Embassy/Consulate is neededif you can’t present any relatedproof.◆ 如果您不能出示任何相关证明,则需要您的大使馆/领事馆出具身份确认信。

◆Temporary accommodation registration record.◆临时住宿登记记录。Keepthe registration receipt when you check in hotel or departments afterentry. Others staying in host family or Chinese friend’shome shall provide same receipt done in the Public Security Bureaubefore.入住酒店或部门后,请保留登记收据。其他住在寄宿家庭或中国朋友家中的人应提供之前在公安局做过的相同收据。◆One 2-inch white-background passport photo (5cm×5cm);◆一张2英寸白色背景护照照片(5cm×5cm);

◆China Visa application fee (check detailed schedules of visa fees).◆中国签证申请费(查看签证费用的详细时间表)。

LostPassport and China Visa in China在中国丢失护照和中国签证RequiredDocuments for China Visa Application中国签证申请所需文件ThePSB may demands you provide additional documents if needed. Uponreceipt of all application requirements, the PSB takes about 7working days for processing and issuance a China Visa. They may denyyour application if you missed to report to get confirmation from thelocal Exit & Entry Administrationfirstly.如果需要,PSB可能会要求您提供额外的文件。在收到所有申请要求后,PSB需要大约7个工作日的时间来处理和签发中国签证。如果您未能首先向当地出入境管理局报告以获得确认,他们可能会拒绝您的申请。●Completed passport application form (DS-11 and DS-64, can be filledin when applying);● 填写完整的护照申请表(DS-11和DS-64,可在申请时填写);

●Proof of individual identity (photo ID, driving license, student ID,etc.);● 个人身份证明(带照片的身份证、驾驶执照、学生证等);

●Evidence of US/Your Country citizenship (original birth certificate,expired passport, and else);● 美国/贵国公民身份证明(出生证明原件、过期护照等);

●Travel itinerary (flight/train/cruise tickets);●旅行行程(机票/火车票/游轮票);

●Statement about the loss of passport;● 关于护照丢失的声明;

●Passport application fee.


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