Mvisa is a type of visa issued for people who enter China for businessand trade activities. So, what is the difference between M visa and Fvisa and what are the required documents for M visa application? Thisarticle will answer all of your questions.

Differencebetween business visa (M) and visitor visa (F)
商务签证(M) 和访问签证(F) 的区别
Inthe past, there was only the F visa and not yet the M visa. Startingfrom September 2013, the F visa is divided into M (for commerce andtrade) and F (for others invited to China for visits, study tours,lectures, and scientific and cultural exchanges.) The F visa is forforeigners who are invited to China for exchanges, including visitsto China for tours, study tours, and other activities. M visas, onthe other hand, are for foreigners who are invited to China forbusiness or trade purposes.
Simplyput, the M visa is a separate category of commerce and trade from theoriginal F-word visa, primarily to facilitate more targetedadministration. Therefore, the M visa is specifically for specificbusiness people who are engaged in business or trade activities.Applicants are required to submit an invitation letter from theirbusiness partners in China to the visa authority, which helps thevisa authority to verify the authenticity of the applicant's reasonfor coming to China.
Differencebetween work visa (Z) and business visa (M)
工作签证(Z) 和商务签证(M) 的区别
Thefollowing cases are considered short-term work assignments(short-term Z visa):下列情况属于短期工作任务(短期Z签证):
To adomestic partner to complete a certain technical, scientificresearch, management, instruction, etc.
Toconduct trial training at a sports organization in the country(including coaches and athletes).
Filmshooting (including commercials, documentaries)
Fashionshow (including car models, shooting print ads, etc.)
Engagingin foreign-related business performances. The following cases fallunder the category of short-term business visa (M visa)
Personnelwho purchase machinery and equipment supporting maintenance,installation, commissioning, dismantling, instruction and training.
Personnelwho instruct, supervise and inspect the projects won in theterritory.
Personnelsent to branches, subsidiaries, and representative offices in theterritory to complete short-term work.
Thosewho participate in sports events, including athletes, coaches, teamdoctors, assistants and other related personnel.
Processfor foreigners to apply for business visa (M)
外国人申请商务签证(M) 的流程
Step1: The trade partner in China provides invitation letters such asbusiness event documents and invitations to economic and trade fairs.The invitation letter must contain the following:
Personalinformation of the invitee: name, gender, date of birth, etc.
Informationof the invitee's visit: reason for coming to China, date of arrivaland departure, place of visit, relationship with the inviting unit orinviter, source of expenses, etc.
Informationof the inviting unit or the inviter: name of the inviting unit or thename of the inviter, contact telephone number, address, seal of theunit, signature of the legal representative or the inviter.
Step2: Apply for a Chinese visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate inyour location.
Insummary, the issuance of a business visa (M) helps the Chinesegovernment to better understand the trajectory of foreigners'business activities and facilitates more targeted management andsupervision of them. A successful visa application requires thesubmission of as many required documents as possible, and theapplication process should be carried out in accordance with theregulations of the visa authority to avoid any unnecessary hassles.
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