
这个步骤具体怎么操作呢? 我拿一道雅思大作文题目来举例。
In today's times, the Internet is making it easy to study online from home. Some prefer online courses to study and they think it is better. Others prefer classroom education. Discuss both views and share your opinion.
第1步,Identify the question or assigned task
在这个题目中,是"Discuss both views and share your opinion"。
第2步,Identify the discussion sides, the argument, and the main discussion points
Internet study vs. classroom study"some prefer online courses""others prefer classroom education"
第3步, Brainstorm and write ideas for BOTH SIDES
第4步,Decide on your opinion (if required )
第5步,Formulate body structure
Introduction 的作用是:
In today’s times, the Internet is making it easy to study online from home.
"Inform reader"这点很好办,只需要 paraphrase statement,做改述,比如:
“Receiving education at home has never been easier, as having Internet access has become ubiquitous in today’s societies.”
(题目) Some prefer online courses to study and they think it is better. Others prefer classroom education.
"Identify argument" 我们发现,这个题目里的argument是:
“Many now, as a result, prefer to learn online, though a great number of people still believe being educated in a classroom is better.”
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
题目里的这句话其实是在让我们"State intent (opinion)",双边讨论,再亮明自己的观点。
第一,主观语气 (Subjective tone):
“This essay will discuss both views, however, in my opinion, I think it depends on the situation, but I do believe it should not be used for grade school education.”
第二,客观语气 (Objective tone):
“This essay will discuss both views, however, it seems clear that for grade school, a classroom setting is best, while online training may be more beneficial to the student in particular situations.”
上面列举了两种introduction,一种的语气比较主观,用了"in my opnion, I believe"来展示自己的观点;另一种比较客观,用了"it seems clear", "it is best", 及"more beneficial"这样的短语来表达观点。
至于那种更好,没有特定的标准。但不管是introduction,还是主体段,客观语气能让我们更直接地"focus on the argument",既能避免频繁使用"I", "my",还能让文章保持学术口吻。
第7步,Formulate and write body 1 and body 2 写主体段,这里就不细说了。
第8步,Conclusion:(Subjective tone, if opinion essay, confirm and clarify this is your opinion) 总结全文,再次点明个人观点。
需要对比benefits / advantages/opinion的时候,‘while’, ‘whereas’, ‘although’, ‘however’ 等词很好用,拿个小本本抄下来!
“To conclude, although online education certainly has its benefits, I believe that owing to the advantages of classroom education, such as socialization and group discussion, receiving education in the classroom is best for general compulsory schooling.”
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