
Nowadays a lot of college graduates are faced with two options for their further education: to study home or abroad. Some choose to stay home, while others prefer the latter. If I were one of them, I wound choose to study abroad.


First of all, studying abroad can broaden our horizon. When we study abroad. We can make friends with people from different cultures and learn about other lifestyles. It will help cultivate a global point of view, which is very importance in the era. Secondly, studying abroad can foster self-dependence. When we stay overseas, we have to rely on ourselves to solve whatever problem we may encounter. Such self-dependence is beneficial to us in the future.

There are many concerns about studying abroad, such as safety. However, if we take proper precautions, we can ensure our safety. Therefore, after carefully weighing the advantages against the disadvantages of studying abroad, I still consider it a preferential choice.

如今,许多大学毕业生面临着两种深造的选择:留学或出国。 有些人选择呆在家里,而另一些人则更喜欢后者。 如果我是其中之一,我则愿意选择出国留学。

首先,出国留学可以拓宽我们的视野。 当我们出国留学的时候。 我们可以和来自不同文化的人交朋友,了解其他生活方式。 它将有助于培养一个全球性的 观点,在这个时代是非常重要的。 其次,出国留学可以培养自我依赖。 当我们留在海外时,我们必须依靠自己来解决我们可能遇到的任何问题 。 这种自我依赖对我们未来是有益的。

出国留学有很多顾虑,比如安全。 然而,如果我们采取适当的预防措施,我们可以确保我们的安全。 因此,经过仔细权衡在国外留学的优劣情况后,我仍然认为这是一个优惠的选择。

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