
Task 1 – Your university currently requires all students totake one humanities course in a subject such asliterature or philosophy in order to graduate.However, some students majoring in subjects suchas math and science think that these humanitiescourses are not relevant to their field of study andthey should therefore not be required to takethem.Do you agree with these students? Explainwhy or why not.
【综合写作】关于控制invasive kudzu的三种方法是否有效
【独立写作】(社会生活类) 学术讨论写作:consumer behavior,买东西是听家人朋友建议还是online – 同2023年7月26日考题;9月16日考题
In your opinion, which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on advice from friends and family, or depending on information from online sources? Why?
Opinion1: An internet search is more efficient.
Opinion2: My family and friends know my preferences better.
Write a post responding to the professor's question.
In your response, you should do the following:
– Express and support your opinion.
– Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
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