
Part 1
1.What apps have you recently used?
2.What kinds of apps are you interested in?
3.What was the first app you used?
4.What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?
Public parks or gardens
1.What do you usually do when you go to a park or garden?
2.How have parks changed today compared to the time when you were a child?
3.Would you prefer to go to a personal garden or public garden?
1.Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
2.Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years?
3.What is the weather usually like in your country?
Getting lost
1.Have you ever lost your way?
2.How can you find your way when you are lost?
3.Have you ever helped someone who got lost?
4.Would you use a map when you get lost?
1.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
2.What do you do to help you concentrate?
3.What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
4.When do you need to be focused
1.When did you start to learn science?
2.Is there any technology that you think is helpful in daily life?
3.Do you think science classes are important?
4.What is your favorite subject of science?
Pets and animals
1.Did you have any pets when you were a child?
2.Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
3.What’s your favorite animal?
4.What is the most popular animal in China?
1.Do you like shoes or, are you interested in shoes?
2.Do you ever buy shoes online?
3.Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking fashionable shoes?
4.What kind of shoes do you like the most?
1.Do you use headphones?
2.When do you use headphones?
3.What type of headphones do you use?
4.In what occasions will you not use headphones?
1.Do you prefer to write letters by hand or by computer?
2.Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
3.How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?
1.What’s your favorite colour?
2.Do you prefer dark colours or bright colours?
3.Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture?
4.What colours are the walls of the rooms in your home?
New places
1.Have you been to a new place recently?
2.What’s the difference between this place and other places of the same kind?
3.Do you feel nervous when you travel to new places?
Part 2&3
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