



伦敦音乐学院隶属于英国西伦敦大学。 西伦敦大学,英文University of West London, 简称 UWL。成立于 1860 年,是一所超过 160 年历 史的综合性大学。学校下设九大学院,提供本科、 硕士、博士课程,开设专业超过 160 门。在校学生 12,000 名,其中国际学生比例 10%。学校耗资 1.5 亿英镑用于学校设施建设更新。

2022 年英国卫报大学指南 (The Guardian) 英国大学排名第 35 位2023 年泰晤士报优秀大学指南 (Times)教学质量全英排名第 5 位2023 年泰晤士报优秀大学指南(Times)荣获年度 最佳体验大学学生满意度第 1 位 – 2022 年全国学生调查(NSS),伦敦地区大学学 生满意度第 1 位就业率高达 98% – 据 HESA 数据统计,98%的毕业生在毕业六个月内就 业或深造,就业率全英前十

超 130 年历史的伦敦音乐学院

伦敦音乐学院,英文:London College of Music, 简称 LCM。创建于 1887 年,有着超过 130 年的历 史,位于西伦敦大学的伊灵校区(Ealing Site)。

最大 – 英国最大的专业音乐和表演艺术机构第一 – 音乐专业在英国现代大学学生满意度排名第 1 位第一所 – 伦敦第一所拥有全斯坦威钢琴的音乐学院最权威 – LCME 是全球最权威的三大音乐考级机构之一London College Music Examinations,简称 LCME。全球最权威的三大音乐考级机构之一,是唯一的一个 英国大学直接提供的考级体系。在英国受英国资格与课程管理局 Ofqual 认证,属于英国资历架构 RQF 和欧 洲资历架构 EQF。伦敦音乐学院在音乐,戏剧和传播方面的考试在世界 250 个考试中心举行。我们的考级证 书独一无二,是唯一一个考级证书由 大学(西伦敦大学)颁发。(小贴士:受全球认证的考级机构一共五个,最权威三大权威考级机构都在英国:英国皇家音乐学院联合委 员会(ABRSM)考级,圣三一音乐考级和伦敦音乐学院考级)



BA(Hons) Acting (Performance)BA(Hons) Musical TheatreBMus(Hons) Music PerformanceBMus(Hons) Composition(Film/Theatre)BA(Hons) Music ManagementBMus(Hons) Performance and Music ManagementBA(Hons)Recording,Mixing and ProductionBMus(Hons)Performance and recordingBA(Hons) Electronic Music ProductionBA(Hons) Hip hop performance and ProductionBA(Hons)Music TechnologyBA(Hons)Sound&Music for Gaming


MMus CompositionMMus Composition for Film and TelevisionMA Advanced Music TechnologyMMus Performance(Classical,Jazz&Popular)MMus Electronic Music CompositionMA Record ProductionMA Music Industry Management and Artist Development 不需要提供作品集MA Music and Performance Arts Education不需要提供作品集


UG/PG/PhD 申请流程

1. 填写 application form

2. 准备申请材料:

护照首页本科成绩单/高中成绩单毕业证,学位证推荐信(本科一封 研究生两封,如学生有工作经验请额外提供工作证明+ 工作推荐信)作品集(作品集+伦文)个别 PHD 专业或表演/歌剧专业会要求面试/试演


如申请 LCM 需要提交作品集的专业,请在提交申请材料的同时提交作品集+Essay如申请 PHD 课程 请提供完整硕士成绩单+毕业证+Research proposal如申请本科/Foundation 课程可不需要通过 UCAS 进行申请,普高学生申请音乐类课程大一 请提供英皇乐理五级/六级证书

3. 请将上属材料发送至 china@uwl.ac.uk


作品集/video audition要求


MMus Performance (Classical, Jazz & Popular)

1. 作品集:An unedited recording of two contrasting pieces, approximately ten minutes in total. Please upload these to youtube.

2. Essay

To assess your suitability for the course, we ask you to write a 1,000-word essay on the following topic (roughly 1, 000 words):

If you were asked to develop a project which used your practice as research what would you do?

Identify and explain some of the distinctions between practice-based and conventional research. In your work give some examples of research methods that might be employed in practice-based research. Using this as a foundation, outline a practice-based research project that you might undertake that focused on your areas of interest.

Submitting your essay

Please submit your essay along with links to youtube videos of your performance work. You can upload it to your online application (see 'how to apply' below).

Useful referencesBorgdorff, H. (2006) The Debate on Research in the Arts. Amsterdam: Felix MeritusBorgdorff, H., 2010. The Production Of Knowledge In Artistic Research. In H. Karlsson & M. Biggs, eds. The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 44–63Collins, H., 2010. Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries, Bloomsbury AcademicDeliège, I. and Wiggins, G. A. (2005). Musical creativity: multidisciplinary research in theory and practice. Hove: PsychologyDogantan-Dack, M. (2015). Artistic Practice as Research in Music: Theory, Criticism, Practice. New edition. Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT: AshgateIngold, T. (2013) Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture. London and New York: RoutledgeSmith, H. and Dean, R. T. (2009). Practice-led research, research-led practice in the creative arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.Chicago Press.

Online resources

PRAG-UK website.Journal of Artistic Researchhttps://konst.gu.se/digitalAssets/1322/1322713_the_debate_on_research_in_the_arts.pdfhttps://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/21413/file444584.pdf?sequence=1

MA Music Industry Management and Artist Development


MMus Composition for Film and Television

作品集:You will need to provide a portfolio of original works (including film and television work), scores (essential) and recordings (desirable).

II.常规要求-含本/硕(说明:详细信息请根据具体专业进行咨询) Performance:Perform two contrasting pieces or songs on your main instrument or vocal study-6-10 mins in total

Composition:Scores of original compositions; these must show evidence of an ability to score for large chamber ensembles and/or orchestra.

Music Technology:

UG – a number of musical tracks (a minimum of 2), involving some or all of the following: recordings of acoustic instruments and vocals, MIDI sequencing, the use of virtual (plug-in) instruments and/or hardware electronic instruments, and skills in mixing and the use of effects.

PG – a) An audio (and A/V if appropriate) show reel on either CD or DVD or mp3 files.

b) An accompanying text which details your roles and involvement in the show reel, highlighting those aspects of your contribution to the show reel of which you are particularly proud.

(小贴士:本科BA(Hons) Music Management不需要作品集哦)


Freddie Mercury (佛莱迪·摩克瑞)

知名校友,担任摇滚乐队皇后乐队(Queen)的主唱,乐队单曲《We Will Rock You》和《We Are The Champions》被格莱美名人堂收录。

David Caddick(大卫·卡迪克)

音乐表演(钢琴)专业毕业,担任音乐剧《猫》、《歌声舞影》、《星光快车》、《歌剧魅影》、《西贡小姐》等音乐总监。他因制作《悲惨世界》和《西区故事》的专辑唱片赢得了 1991 年和 2010 年“格莱美最佳音乐剧唱片奖”。

Alex da Kid

音乐制作专业毕业生,音乐制作人,2014年为梦龙乐队创作并制作的歌曲《Radioactive》获得第56届格莱美最佳摇滚表演奖,埃米纳姆与蕾哈娜合唱歌曲《Love the way you lie》出自于Alex da Kid之手。

就职名企:Avid, BBC, Channel 4, West End, Hewland International, Lady Gaga Limitless Music, Morphonic Production Company, Norsk Films, RCM, Sony, EA Sports

合作音乐人:Alicia Keys, Bloc Party, Blondie,Dave Stewart, Maroon 5,Nile Rogers, Peter Gabriel, Trevor Horn , U2 , Warner Brothers


伦敦综合管弦乐团创始人多伦多 Pocket Studios 的制片人梦龙乐队、小甜甜布兰妮、Li‘l Wayn、埃米纳姆和蕾哈娜的制片人Christina Aguilera 和 Tinie Tempah 的制片人电影《哈利·波特》系列的管弦乐队监制奥斯卡现场音响师


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